Numbers of retailers in the online database "Retail-Index"
There are almost 9000 retailers, addresses and more details of all major head-offices and local offices of retail-chains in our database. This table shows exactly the latest number of retailer profiles in each country as well as the retailers in each retail-sector. We include retailers (chains) when they have minimal 5 stores or minimal 3 mio € turnover. Our primary focus is Europe and USA but we gradually add all industrialized countries worldwide. The retailers in Food, Fashion, DIY and Consumer Electronics have our priority but as you can see, other sectors are well represented now. Retail operations with several different formats and banners in one country are counted as one retailer. These retailers represent over 1.6 million stores/outlets
Please note that some retailers are active in several sectors in which case there is some duplication in the numbers. The same goes for retailers active in several countries. It also explains the difference in the total number of retailers shown down under this table and the number shown in the search bar.
For more information about these numbers do not hesitate to contact us on