Rankings and profiles of the top retailers in Spain
Our database contains more than 460 retail chains that operate in Spain. Retailers are ranked by turnover for each of the 18 retail sectors. For each retailer, we present a detailed profile.
The financial crisis has been particularly harsh in Spain, and this has translated into a dramatic drop on household expenditure. Since 2008, the government has increased taxes on consumption such as the VAT or excise taxes in an attempt to refill state coffers. This has caused a higher decrease on economic activity.
The COVID crisis really added to the problems and fashion retail had real problems to cope with it.
On the right you can see the latest Top 10 ranking in Spain
Access to the complete database is given against a paid one-year subscription. Prices vary per sector and country. Check "Price & Order" for more information.
For a free sample go the page EXAMPLES where you can see all data for Portugal. Retailers in other European countries are reported in exactly the same way.
Contact Veraart Research via mail@veraart-research.com or phone +31 6 2000 6058 for inquiries.
For other top 10 retail rankings see: France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and UK.