Rankings and Profiles of all major European Retailers
Retail-Index is the most compresensive, updated and user-friendly directory on national and international retail companies in Europe in 18 sectors and ranking for each country
Retail-Index contains all key information about international and national retail chains including data on turnover, numbers of hypermarkets, supermarkets, discounters, department stores, specialty stores etc. Not only retailers in European countries such as Germany, UK, France, Italy and Spain but for several sectors we now present data on USA, China and many other countries. For each country the top ranking is presented according to the latest available turnover figures. The European data are in euros, for countries outside Europe we use US $.
The ranking on the right side of this page is based on net sales generated in Europe. As you can see the top of this ranking is fully taken by major food retailers. Food still takes the largest part of the consumer expenditures, but most of these retailers have also taken significant shares in fashion, consumer electronics and products of traditionally other sectors.
For a quick overview of the number of retailers per country and per sector click on RETAILER COUNT to see the latest numbers.
The rankings are complete for most sectors in Europe however, some sectors are being completed at the moment which is indicated with a * . The number of retailers per sector and country can be seen by using the scroll-down menu at Home & Search. When new retail sectors are added we always start with the European countries followed by the major countries outside Europe. All data are updated frequently.
Full access is only possible against paid subscription however, some data is free of charge. For a better understanding of the database Retail-Index please see the free Examples of rankings and profiles in the various sectors. You can also go to Home & Search and select Portugal and any sector to receive more examples as we offer the data on Portugal free of charge.
For a total overview of sectors and prices please visit the Price & Order Information.